

In Afghanistan our work supports humanitarian efforts, better health and improved awareness around the dangers of unexploded ordnance.

  • Our office: Kabul
  • Our areas of focus: Humanitarian aid and crisis response, health, media development
  • Our partners: World Health Organization, UNMAS, World Food Programme

About our work

We are proud to have been working in Afghanistan for over a decade on projects and programmes that have addressed health, education, equality and inclusion, and political participation and accountability, as well as developing local broadcasters.

In the current humanitarian crisis, we are continuing to deliver health-focused radio programmes in Dari and Pashto on ´óÏó´«Ã½ Afghan services and on community radio stations. With many hospitals and health clinics closed, we are bringing important health information and advice to listeners by connecting them with medical doctors and mental health experts.

We are continuing our work with the humanitarian community, sharing audience insights to help aid agencies better understand local needs to deliver a more effective response. And Lifeline training for local journalists is supporting them to report through this crisis with information and stories designed for people affected, instead of simply about them.

In a new project funded by UNMAS, we are addressing the deadly threat of explosive ordnance, which killed nearly 1,400 people between April 2020 and March 2021 in the country - almost half of them children, and frequently young boys, who may accidentally pick up explosive ordnance while hunting for scrap metal or working in fields. Our new educational radio programmes, including our Green Hills drama focused on a nomadic community and discussion programmes featuring survivors of these injuries, are being broadcast across the country on partner radio stations and ´óÏó´«Ã½ Dari and Pashto services.

Our COVID-19 pandemic response has been aimed at dispelling myths and rumours, and creating content that will provide even the hardest-to-reach communities with critical information about how to protect themselves and how and when to seek treatment.

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